Studying at the university in the domains of Computer Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics open numerous job opportunities in various sectors of activities and research. In Grenoble the formations in these domains benefit from an exceptional research environment and an industrial regional setting at the top of the game in terms of new technologies.
Our faculty is organized in three thematic schools:
The school of Informatics (headed by Lydie du-Bousquet)
The school of Mathematics (headed by Philippe Eyssidieux)
The school of Applied Mathematics (headed by Édouard Oudet)
The formation follows the Bologna accords with a Licence in three years followed by a Master in two years:
Licence STS - mention Informatique et mathématiques appliquées
Licence STS - mention Mathématiques
Master Mathématiques, informatique
Masters Enseignement (CAPES, agrégation)
Beyond the LMD:
Licences professionnelles
Published on May 30, 2016 Updated on June 20, 2023
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